(Within the first 10 minutes of departure..)
1. You’ll suddenly feel like an inadequate specimen of the human species. (What else is there outside of the city?) "I’m Bored.." begins to seep into your mind.
2. FoMo or ‘Fear Of Missing Out’ syndrome will settle in. Why would I leave the city? Nothing happens anywhere else.
3. As the city noise fades into the background, social angst begins… and so does your obvious addiction to social media, as you scroll through the newsfeed searching for something, anything, to reconnect you to city life in that moment.
(20 minutes outside of the city..)

5. You set your phone down, and being to calm the inner anxiety. For now.
6. A.D.D. hits you. You can't stop thinking about your phone. Breathe. You got this.
7. You realize ‘being cool’ is all a matter of perception. You can still be an awesome chick.
8. You’ll remember how to communicate without the use of technology- traditional ‘in person’.

10. You’ll start to notice the smell of the air. Without pollution.
11. You see how much open space there is around you.
(Beyond, in space and time)
12. You notice that your ego has grown, and your city snobbery.
13. You’ll recognize the defined lines between fair-weather friends and people who actually care about you.
14. You begin to realize that city life is like living in a bubble.
15. You’ll have more time, and less obligatory social pressures.
16. You will make plans, and follow through; to do things in nature like hiking, camping! (the forest will call you).
17. You remember that buildings without cockroaches actually exist.
18. You regain conscious connection with the Earth, and the food you eat.
19. You remember that there is more to life than working to pay your rent.
20. You’ll save money. (how is everything so much cheaper out here?)
21. You feel comfortable leaving your house in track pants. (not sure that's a good thing actually..)

23. You (finally) realize you've been desensitized to over-stimulation.
24. Holy crap did you know there are billions of stars out there?!!
25. You can hear your thoughts.
26. You can breathe again.
(your transition is complete).