Envision Festival 2013 Recap from WebMark Design on Vimeo.
Hey everyone! I am so excited about this Envision Festival in Costa Rica! It's a yoga, music, art, dance, performance, celebration of life festival and I'm going :))
This video (above) is from last year's event and the music is so beautiful.
I really am sad that I have not had the time or energy to write many posts for the blog because I work a job every day that has been draining the life out of me... That being said, I am grateful to have this job because the people I work with are amazing and it puts a roof over my head :)

I keep waiting for that moment when I know what it is I'm supposed to be doing in my life, but it's just a story that goes from one moment to the next. There is no other moment than the one I'm in. So what do I do next? Whatever I want. It's just a story :) I just have to step outside of my comfort zone because nothing new will ever happen if I don't.
Well that's enough of my rambling for now!
I love you all, and wish you nothing but the most spectacular lives :)

if you are receiving this via email go to our blog to watch the video :))
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