The craziest thing just happened! I was talking to Myra about this medicinal plant in her book, that really saves you if you get stung by a stingray, and not 20 minutes later I went swimming and this guy who came up to me and reintroduced himself, and 10 seconds later he was stung really badly in the ankle! I asked if he was alright and he said he thought it was a crab bite, but by the looks of it I knew it was a stingray.
So I did what people did for me many years ago when I was stung- I made him sit down while I ran to get this plant called the 'mother in law's tongue', and ran back to crush it up with rocks and put it in really hot water. I massaged his leg in a downward motion for an hour, and he's a big, tattooed guy, but he was on the verge of tears and hallucinating. It was really amazing to see and remember the whole experience. What incredible synchronicity.
I asked people along the way while I was running to find the plant if they knew where any of it grew, and they scolded me saying that no plant will help and that he just has to wait it out and take aspirin. They laughed at me, but I knew better from experience, and found some in front of the police station anyway.
What a day. He will be fine now, but I have a friend who didn't go through this procedure, and had to get on a plane a few hours later. It was insane, with the poison rising up through his body, going through his privates, and up until his gums were bleeding! It honestly feels like the pain will never end, like you just had your foot blown off, but with the plant, hot water and massage, it goes away. I should say that stingrays only sting you if you step on them (which is most of the time), or if you aggravate them like that Steve Irwin did. Otherwise they leave you alone. This has been quite an adventure already, and I've barely begun! Hope you are doing something you love :)