So I will just write for now, and add photos from other people, and the videos will just have to wait (although I will upload some clips I took with the GoPros). Ok so I'll just describe a few things and you can watch the videos later.
I will preface this by saying that I am not a good documentary film maker YET so don't expect stellar shots with smooth transitions and steady hand, but I am just be as honest as I can, trying my best and learning tricks from people already in the field :)
1. I found a huge train of leaf cutter ants that march up and down a path next to the hostel, so I got down on the ground and filmed them at eye level- so cool! The sun was shining through the leaves they were all carrying too so it does look really lovely.
2. There is a tiny lizard that has made his home out of a cup in the kitchen, so I filmed his little cute face peeking up over the rim. It's a really short clip but I love it.
3. the shot I didn't get- My friend Allan, who is an awesome surf instructor, was teaching a class of about 8, and I waved as I went past him on the beach because I didn't want to interrupt, and he told me today that a few seconds after I turned around to walk away, 3 humpback whales swam not 20 meters from where he was!!!!! He said he screamed my name over and over for me to look, but the waves are so loud and I was not able to see what I most want to see in the world... I couldn't believe it. He said if I even just stayed for 30 more seconds I would have seen them right in front! I would have run into the water.
4. I saved the life of an iguana today, who was running across the road. I made a truck stop so he could get past (good deed of the day).

Anyway things are going very well so far in Costa Rica. I still have moments of sheer panic when I really think about how far away I am from comfort, security, James, Josh and my friends, but then I calm myself down and remember that I am just trying to do something I want to do, so I'm doing it :)
I had such a great day- I got to help my friend Erin make all sorts of fresh juice recipes for the juice bar she is opening tomorrow!! So I got to drink the experiments! Totally made my day, and how weird is it that I manifested that?? I was so worried about missing my daily fresh juice and blender, and I am now helping open a tropical juice bar? Insane. But that's what happens when you are open to the universe.
I love you guys, and miss you tons!
ps. these are the most beautiful butterflies here! The Morpho Butterfly- They are huge too!
Sounds fabulous! I look forward to more photos and videos. Blessings.