Even though everything was fine, my fear made it not fine, and I sent myself into panic that no matter how hard I tried to meditate, control my breathing or try to put myself in the place of the bears (what they might be thinking), I could not calm down, especially as night fell. I just stayed up, and every crack of a twig was for sure a bear.. It was interesting to watch myself go through that, but I'm not proud of it. I'm an animal lover, so what was the deal?

James and I did an incredible canoe outing on the second day that lasted seven hours (one hour too long for me, but I loved it, and felt safer on the water..). And we did two portages, which I have never done before, (James carried the canoe, while I got all the other things). Ontario is stunningly natural and breathtakingly beautiful. I managed to take some nice photos of a loon and her duckling, a painted turtle and a lot more :)
All in all I loved being in magical forest, filled with wild mushrooms of every order, moss-covered rocks and powerful trees. I just need to get my fear in check.
I hope you are all testing your limits and doing things that you love too :)

ps. Visit my blog to get recipes, watch vegan documentaries, and read more of what I'm up to!
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