1. It's not as easy or as glamourous as it looks, (actually I don't know if it even looks glamourous..).
2. Washing your under-things in a bucket in public and hanging it all out to dry is embarrassing, but not as much as you might think.
3. Swimming in the ocean every single day should be a requirement for every person on this planet. It's so nice!!
4. Walking barefoot is amazing because we are not cut off from the Earth's energy (quite literally, by wearing rubber-souled shoes it's an electric insulator, so we don't have a connection to our mother).
5. Wild iguanas love fruit, and will come looking for you every day to see if you have any more! They also don't seem to have teeth).
6. Beach dogs are the happiest dogs I have ever seen. They run free, swim when they want to, play and ask for love when they need it. People here give it to them.
7. Mermaids are real! (I'm one of them).
8. The ocean is unimaginably powerful. A couple of guys have drowned since I have been here, and another girl lost her surf board a couple of days ago, was under the water for a few minutes and luckily was rescued and revived.
9. Making a bonfire on the beach at night is incredibly rewarding, and a beacon for people to come and join in the glow.
10. Leaves fall every single day here, so I have to rake. A lot.

13. Fresh fruits and vegetables rock my world! Bananas taste entirely different here- such incredible flavours in the food grown in Costa Rica!
14. Cutting a watermelon in half and eating it with a bamboo spoon is the most awesome meal in the universe! Try it!
15. Going to collect my water and pouring it through my gravity filtering every day is difficult, but better than getting a parasite..
16. People are beautiful, welcoming and interested in hearing about why a girl would choose to live in a tent on the beach.
17. Learning to speak the language of the place you are visiting is so important, and much appreciated by the local folks. (also I love it!). I'm sure I sound like an idiot, but I'm trying my best :)
18. Watching sunset every day changes you in a profound way. Look up sun gazing on a raw food diet to see why!
19. Some birds sound exactly like car alarms, while others have the sweetest songs. Both are great.
20. If you see garbage on the beach it becomes your responsibility to pick it up and dispose of it properly.
21. Never pitch your tent under a palm tree or coconut tree. People get killed every year..
22. It's definitely easier to do raw food while living in a tent. Cooked food takes so much longer and involves a lot more work. With raw food you can just rinse your dishes too, instead of having to scrub. (think about how that would do the same for your insides too).
23. making a platform for your tent is a must! Once you are off the ground you avoid the creatures living under you, you don't get wet when it rains and it makes for a nice raised stool when you want to sit in your open tent door.
24. Turns out there is a use for soda pop after all- I used three of the crates as shelving inside the tent. The slots are great for storing your hot-sauces, spices and harmonica. (don't get excited, I'm a terrible harmonica player).
25. There is always something to film on the beach.
26. It's really important to have a horizon to look at instead of buildings and houses all around. It allows for contemplation of the bigger picture instead of what we are taught about matter.
27. Cops here are very different- every day they drive by my tent in their white truck with the windows down, wave to me and say "Hola, Lyn!".. Weird, but nice :)

29. The sound of the ocean never gets tiring.
30. If you can shave your legs while sitting half out of your tent in front of your guy friend, then you have reached that point where you truly don't give a damn.. (yes I am one of those girls who shave- don't judge).
31. When mangoes fall from trees always check them for white worms before digging in.. ik. The small ones are the safest because they don't break open at all when they hit the ground.
32. Angle your tent so the breeze goes through the front and out the back windows (except if you are in a cold place).
33. When a cat or a dog comes to visit you at your site, pay them tons of attention and give them loads of affection and they will always come back and make your day :)
34. A log is a valuable couch.
35. Check to see if there is fluoride in your salt!? I thought I was safe because the water here is not fluoridated, but... all the salt is! Many countries that don't put it in the water, hide it in salt and it doesn't even have to be listed on the label. it's in all the toothpaste here too. Do your research about the effects of fluoride, and how some countries have banned it as a toxic substance.
37. It is possible to make raw chocolate pudding in your tent without a blender! (Avocado, raw cocoa powder, agave if you can find it, pinch of sea salt, water and pure vanilla extract, mashed up and whipped with a fork).
Love you guys!