Hello my lovelies!
It's been a long, hard winter here in Toronto, and I feel like I am waking from a long slumber. I've been thinking about who I am and what my purpose is. We all have an essence, a central gift that is unique and valuable, to be shared with the world whether we know what it is or not.
To pinpoint your gift simply ask yourself the question "What would I do with my time if money were not an issue?". How you answer this question is your gift, no matter how ridiculous or intangible it seems. And with our gifts we empower people around us (including ourselves), or we put up fronts that do not align with our true nature and disempower the people we encounter.
What happens when we align with our genuine, true nature is nothing short of miraculous. Synchronicity becomes commonplace, and what we need to accomplish our goals suddenly appears without explanation. It's scary as all hell to step up to the plate and immerse ourselves in our vision, but it is much less risky than playing it safe and never doing what we love.

Most of us believe money holds us back, but this is a story we made up to entrap ourselves in "normality". This fight or flight feeling takes over, and fear never gets us anywhere. This is definitely the case for me. I have struggled to do what I love and keep food on the table, and somehow I have managed. But this isn't good enough now, so it's time for me to say "Fuck Fear" and dive right in to that black water. Spring is perfect for this. It represents a fresh start, a new beginning and the birthing of progressive ideas!
I am doing a juice/lemonade detox cleanse (fear and stress create acidity and toxic build up in the body), so I invite you to jump into the water with me and dare to do what you love! Click the detox button at the top to find out more :)

To pinpoint your gift simply ask yourself the question "What would I do with my time if money were not an issue?". How you answer this question is your gift, no matter how ridiculous or intangible it seems. And with our gifts we empower people around us (including ourselves), or we put up fronts that do not align with our true nature and disempower the people we encounter.
What happens when we align with our genuine, true nature is nothing short of miraculous. Synchronicity becomes commonplace, and what we need to accomplish our goals suddenly appears without explanation. It's scary as all hell to step up to the plate and immerse ourselves in our vision, but it is much less risky than playing it safe and never doing what we love.

Most of us believe money holds us back, but this is a story we made up to entrap ourselves in "normality". This fight or flight feeling takes over, and fear never gets us anywhere. This is definitely the case for me. I have struggled to do what I love and keep food on the table, and somehow I have managed. But this isn't good enough now, so it's time for me to say "Fuck Fear" and dive right in to that black water. Spring is perfect for this. It represents a fresh start, a new beginning and the birthing of progressive ideas!
I am doing a juice/lemonade detox cleanse (fear and stress create acidity and toxic build up in the body), so I invite you to jump into the water with me and dare to do what you love! Click the detox button at the top to find out more :)

I am going to detox also. I look forward to your follow up post.