Hello my lovelies! I found another documentary for you, but I didn't watch it because I just cant bring myself to see any more animals suffering. So obviously I can't really comment on or review the film, but I'm sure it's filled with good information, and maybe this is the one that will affect someone you are close to who you think would benefit from it :)
The movie is called Meat The Truth, and I have heard good things about it so see for yourself if you like, and comment below.
I hope you are having a fabulous day! I, myself, am kind of living through something interesting right now.. As I write this men are jack-hammering and doing full-on demolition right below me where they are starting to build a... Starbucks. Good lord. Like the world needs another Starbucks. They kill off small businesses and seem to be on every corner. I have earphones on right now with a meditation with birds in the background, but it sounds like they are being murdered by machine guns...
So James, Josh and I have decided to move. I have always said that when things are made difficult, it's a sign that we are supposed to move on to something else. So come May 1st that is exactly what we will be doing. But for two months we will have to suffer through this insanity.
Our landlord is a very sweet man, vegetarian actually, and I know he means well. Business is business. But it doesn't change the fact that we have to live through this. Because they ripped out the ceiling, walls and floors down there, it sounds like everyone is in our apartment when they talk.

Ok, I will sign off for now, but I have some exciting news coming up, so stay tuned!
Ps. Please ignore all random underlined words that appear as links on my site right now throughout the posts, because I have been compromised by something that is plaguing the internet right over the last short while... TEXT ENHANCE! I hate it and have no idea how to get rid of it. When I erase the html it just reappears, so it's really bizarre. I have heard that a class action suit is forming to sue the owners of this horrible back-door virus-like thing. Anyway, sorry. I am not trying to sell you anything from Text Enhance :)
Will watch tonight. My daughter has pneumonia and I have been a little behind. L
ReplyDeletei'm sure you are very busy, but i've just scanned this, and, should you wish to watch it, lyn, there's only really three scenes of animal suffering: a guy cutting some meat, a farmer petting a pigs head in a pen, and the same guy eating a hotdog. If you can tolerate that then you'll be okay to watch it. i know we're all very keen to stay informed.
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