Fear of the Unknown:
This morning I woke up from a dream that really shook me. It took place in the near future, and everything we take for granted today had completely fallen apart. Everyone was divided, and there were two main tribes who fought each other. One group was hoarding all the technology that was left in the world, like computers, and they had control over what was remaining of the internet. They had some electricity, but not much, and armed themselves with guns and other weapons. I was a part of the other group who had organized themselves into a sort of guerrilla force that lived in the woods, grew their own food and protected each other from the raids... Sounds like a bad sci-fi movie, I know, but it was very real and lasted a long time.
We are coming up on a new year - 2012. I remember thinking years ago that 2012 was so far away, and we certainly would change our ways before that time would come. The number of the year may not be significant at all, despite the Mayan prophecy which dramatically announces that it is the end of their calendar (which, interestingly enough, began much earlier than the Mayan civilization itself). But what 2012 may trigger is a huge rebellion against what we have been spoon-fed to believe is acceptable and expected from us.
I feel like I have been building a tribe in the past several years. An army of sorts, made of people who embody high integrity, and have developed a drive that pushes them to uncover their true nature, which is goodness. And it's very clear to me that many Vegans I have met fit the bill. I don't really care if this sounds like an airy-fairy statement, because when I set aside my ego I can see that it's true.
We are on the verge of a whole new way of doing everything.
So what can we expect in 2012? Change is certain. I was having a conversation with my father a few days ago, about how my generation and every generation to come, has a much different future than the long line that preceded us. It used to be that we went to school, graduated, got a job, bought a house, a car, made three kids, and stayed in the same job until we retired and lived off our savings... That's pretty much over now, even though we are still clinging to that ideal. It was dysfunctional to begin with, and we were asleep, slaves to the picture-perfect, status-quo family that no one had. The frustrations were always there, but not many did anything about it.
But there is something beautiful manifesting now. A future where creativity and ingenuity reign. We are looking at our passions as ways to make a living. It may mean less of an income, (and that's not a rule), but we come closer to our true purpose when we do what we love, which is much more rewarding than buying things we don't need anyway.
Our generation is stirring up a storm by doing things our way. We have to. We are building our own houses and growing our own food. We are forming communities where we share land and build together, instead of drowning ourselves in either the rent cycle or a mortgage. We think differently.
In a year's time James and I will be buying some property a few hours north of Toronto, and building an eco-home for ourselves (an earthbag building with strawbale / cob outer covering, and a roofing system that will keep the rain away). We will probably have to fight for the right to build it, since there are few in existence here, but we will pave the way for more. If we don't do this we will never be able to have a house because, if I can be honest, getting tied up in a mortgage is just not a risk we can take. To learn more about eco-house building watch these videos (click here).
I have always been labeled an extremist for having strong positions about how we treat ourselves, animals and the Earth, but I fully embrace that title if it means I get to do things my way.
I would like to leave you with a video of Professor Al Bartlett, who has given his celebrated one-hour lecture, Arithmetic, Population and Energy: Sustainability 101 over 1,600 times to audiences all over the world.
It is an extremely important little gem that will leave you feeling strong in your commitment to living a life of selflessness. Please watch it and share it as much as you like :) (See full video below).
So we will see you in the new year! This is going to be a good one, and we have front row seats to it all.
Happy Holidays From All of Us Here at Beautiful-Vegan!
Hello my lovelies all around the world! No matter what tradition you come from, there is always something magical about lights. It's winter here in Toronto, and that means we begin the marvelous game of 'how many layers can we wear while maintaining the ability to move?'. And still, there is something romantic about bundling up in sweaters and scarves to go out and drink hot apple cider around an open fire. James took me on a secret date to the Holiday Market in the Distillery District, where this was exactly the case! Many open fire pits with people sitting all around with hot drinks in hand. It was so beautiful and whimsical! I was like a little kid again.
I think the most amazing gift you could give is something we like to call a 'secret date' = taking the person you love to some undisclosed location or event and surprising them with a fun and romantic experience. I love it! James is the king of secret dates.
Josh and Amanda are fixing up our annual 1. 5 foot tree... People laugh at us, but it's a tradition since we have always lived in an apartment, and refuse to chop down a living tree for a few days of dolling it up and then chucking it.
One of our beloved treats to make this time of year is this Sexy, Rich Pumpkin Pie! Want the recipe? (Just click here).
We brought our pie to Erin and Ken's wonderful dinner party, held to celebrate the season, and the company, food and atmosphere were perfect. Erin made every dish even though I encouraged her to do a potluck! Somehow she pulled it off without a hitch.

Of course, John lives in Florida, so he's a lot warmer than us!
He sends out his beaming energy to all of you.
Now here is something very special: Our Vegan Creme Brule with Cranberry Compote! It's so good! Make it yourself and see!
We all need to express gratitude for the food in our bellies, the roof over our heads and people who love us. This beautiful photo (below), was taken by our friend Naoko Takakura who lives in Japan. Her country has been through very bad times this past year, and she knows first hand that life is precious.
It's a Positive 'Brain-Washing' mp3 called 'Creating Change Now', and you can put it on your iPod! I made it myself, and have been experiencing profound transformations in my life over the last few years because of it's effects, as I listen to it constantly at a low level in the background to whatever I am doing. You may or may not like it, but it's my gift to you if you'll have it :) I have heard many of these types of cds before, but I didn't really trust that there weren't other messages behind the ones I could hear (paranoia I guess), so I made my own, and I certify that the only thing on here is what you hear. So have a listen, and download it if it resonates with you. It is meant to 'wash away' all the negative dialogue we have inside our minds from our upbringing, bad experiences, and society in general. And since it has been so ingrained in us it will take some scrubbing. I tried to make the voice a little airy, and you are to imagine it as your own voice speaking to you. I hope you get as much out of it as I have :) (Download the Meditation by clicking the download button below)
Lyn Rose - Creating Change Now
download / iTunes / iron dj
I think the most amazing gift you could give is something we like to call a 'secret date' = taking the person you love to some undisclosed location or event and surprising them with a fun and romantic experience. I love it! James is the king of secret dates.
Josh and Amanda are fixing up our annual 1. 5 foot tree... People laugh at us, but it's a tradition since we have always lived in an apartment, and refuse to chop down a living tree for a few days of dolling it up and then chucking it.
One of our beloved treats to make this time of year is this Sexy, Rich Pumpkin Pie! Want the recipe? (Just click here).
We brought our pie to Erin and Ken's wonderful dinner party, held to celebrate the season, and the company, food and atmosphere were perfect. Erin made every dish even though I encouraged her to do a potluck! Somehow she pulled it off without a hitch.

Of course, John lives in Florida, so he's a lot warmer than us!
He sends out his beaming energy to all of you.

We all need to express gratitude for the food in our bellies, the roof over our heads and people who love us. This beautiful photo (below), was taken by our friend Naoko Takakura who lives in Japan. Her country has been through very bad times this past year, and she knows first hand that life is precious.
Let's remember the people and animals who share this Earth with us, that may be less fortunate. Our good wishes go out to them, and our actions (of supporting only ethical organizations and products), ring loud and clear as we vote for justice with every dollar we spend.
Here is a quick Holiday greeting from Erin and me:
Here is a quick Holiday greeting from Erin and me:
And remember, nothing says holiday like a tiger made of lights...
Oh, and one last thing! Your gift! I'll tell you what it is... The image below is a hint:
It's a Positive 'Brain-Washing' mp3 called 'Creating Change Now', and you can put it on your iPod! I made it myself, and have been experiencing profound transformations in my life over the last few years because of it's effects, as I listen to it constantly at a low level in the background to whatever I am doing. You may or may not like it, but it's my gift to you if you'll have it :) I have heard many of these types of cds before, but I didn't really trust that there weren't other messages behind the ones I could hear (paranoia I guess), so I made my own, and I certify that the only thing on here is what you hear. So have a listen, and download it if it resonates with you. It is meant to 'wash away' all the negative dialogue we have inside our minds from our upbringing, bad experiences, and society in general. And since it has been so ingrained in us it will take some scrubbing. I tried to make the voice a little airy, and you are to imagine it as your own voice speaking to you. I hope you get as much out of it as I have :) (Download the Meditation by clicking the download button below)
Lyn Rose - Creating Change Now
download / iTunes / iron dj
Lyn, Erin, Josh, James and John form Beautiful-Vegan.com.
Wicked Chocolate Chip Cookies!!
Ok, these are awesome! (not good for you, but awesome in your mouth). Looking for Wicked Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies? Josh made up this recipe, and every cookie you see in this photo has disappeared... Here's the recipe:
3 cups unbleached flour
2 cups brown sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup vegan butter or margarine (regular margarine is not vegan... neither is butter)
1 teaspoon sea salt
3/4 cup non-dairy milk (rice milk, almond milk etc)
1 1/2 to 2 cups Vegan, fair trade chocolate chips (want to know why fair trade? Watch this documentary about child slave labour in chocolate production) Most Semi Sweet Chocolate is Vegan, but not Fair Trade.
1 cup shredded, unsweetened coconut (optional)
Heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
1. Mix together the dry ingredients,
2. Chop in the vegan butter or margarine into it with a fork,
3. Now add the non-dairy milk and mix until it holds together well
4. Line cookie pans with waxed paper or grease the pans with vegan margarine
5. Make the batter into medium-sized balls and flatten as well as you can
6. Bake for 10 minutes or so depending on differences in ovens. They will still feel soft, but crisp up after you remove them from the pan to cool.
Love it!
Lyn and Josh
But what about protein, John?
Lyn: Hey John! Probably the most annoying question for a Vegan is "Where do you get your protein?", so let's clear the air once and for all...
John: "Okay, I was going to reinvent the wheel on this one but my good friend Robert Cheeke (a champion Vegan Bodybuilder), rolled the wheel right to me...
And you're right, if there is one question vegans get more than any other question, it is, "How do you get your protein?" I often respond by asking the individual if they know anyone with a protein deficiency. One thing to remember is that protein is found in nearly all foods and is one of the easiest components of nutrition for our bodies to find in food and use for mechanical functions.
As a vegan, I do not consume meat, and avoid all animal products and abstain from using anything animal derived or tested on animals. This is for a number of reasons, but primarily because I don't want to cause harm to animals and because I want to be healthier and focus on consuming
plant-based foods.
Vegans take in all required vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and glucose. We eat a wide variety of healthy foods including fruits and vegetables, grains, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and other plant-based whole foods providing the healthiest foods for our bodies.
As a vegan bodybuilder, I enjoy typical bodybuilding foods such as oats, rice, broccoli, yams, protein powders and bars, providing energy and strength for exercise and the heavy lifting my sport requires. I take a few supplements to enhance my athletic performance but I don't believe they are necessary to consume and compete as an elite athlete. They can help give you an extra competitive edge and can aid in muscle recovery and energy output. The few supplements I use for performance include: multivitamin, meal replacement powders, L-glutamine for muscle recovery, and hemp-based protein powders. Vitamin B-12 and essential fatty acids are included in a hemp-based meal replacement I take. It is important to remember these are not necessary, but in most cases they will boost performance and recovery from exercise, achieving an overall greater level of fitness and health.
Many people are scared to adopt a vegan diet because they think they will lack protein, but protein is easy to find and little is required for maintaining health. A standard is 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight for athletes and 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight for bodybuilders and other athletes interested in bulking up and adding mass. Eating consistently throughout the day makes it easy to get that amount of protein if a variety of foods are consumed. "How" should not be the issue, but "where," is a valid question. In an animal protein based society, we grow up believing the only sources of protein are from animals. As a vegan athlete I outline meal programs that are protein-rich and plant derived to show exactly "where" and "how" vegans get their protein. I pay special attention to it, and my main protein sources come from hemp, soy, tempeh, nuts, beans, lentils, grains and a variety of powders and bars including complete meal replacements, adding up to 200-300 grams per day. Tofu, a soy product, typically has 10-20 grams of protein per serving. Soy also has a Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) of 1.0, which is the highest protein rating for a food to have, and it scores higher than beef protein.
Hemp is one of the best sources of protein, period. It is alkalizing, packed full of nutrients, and is grown from the most sustainable methods, making it arguably the best resource. We often hear about protein combinations to make a complete protein. This is an accumulation of essential amino acids. Combining sources such as hemp, rice and pea provide a powerful amino acid profile for enhanced biomechanical efficiency. Taking in large quantities of protein can be taxing on the liver and kidneys so it is important to drink a lot of water when you're on a high protein diet. Drinking water helps your body's organs process large amounts of protein. In addition to the high protein foods, I also eat a significant amount of fruits, green vegetables, and eat raw and organic foods whenever possible. Raw sources of protein can be found in nuts, seeds, seaweed, broccoli, spinach, kale, and other veggies and are some of the most potent and most beneficial sources of protein available on the planet.
The bulk of my diet consists of fruits in the morning; protein sources such as nuts, protein drinks and bars for snacks; green vegetables, beans, tofu and other protein and calorie-rich foods for lunch, and a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, and grains for dinner. A typical meal for dinner may include a lentil soup with chopped of veggies, steamed or raw broccoli, tofu, and brown rice. Potatoes, tempeh, beans, and nuts are also staples of my diet and are often consumed around dinnertime. I typically just drink water before and after meals but for dinner I may include soymilk, almond milk, or natural fruit juice.
I focus on eating every 3 hours to stay in an anabolic state with a positive nitrogen balance for maintaining and building muscle. Taking in nutrients every 2-3 hours ensures that your muscles will always be fueled and nourished, providing the best opportunity for growth and achieving desired results. Eating every 3 hours may sound challenging but if you prepare your foods for the day in advance, it is really quite simple. You don't have to eat an entire meal, just take in protein, carbohydrates and fats every 3 hours and it will add up to a sum of calories that will not only maintain muscle but build muscle, combined with a weight-training or exercise program. Drinking water every two to three hours will also keep you well hydrated, assist with processing of protein foods, and will help you accumulate a gallon a day which is a minimum goal for most bodybuilders.
A vegan diet is often a topic of concern when it comes to athletics, but those concerns are unwarranted. A vegan diet is typically healthier and more compassionate than an omnivorous diet, which although popular, can be more detrimental to overall health. Eating fruits and vegetables and other foods provided by plants and trees comes natural to me. These are the healthiest foods for us, yet as a society we are slaves to our taste buds, and consume heavily processed, altered foods with addictive sugars, chemicals and other unnatural additives. That dangerous practice leads to poor health and often leads to increased medical costs for medications and treatments in an attempt to reverse problems created by poor diet.
So focus on plant-based foods and reap the benefits of optimal health through natural sources of protein."
Lyn, James, Erin & Josh: You pretty much rock, John. Thanks for dispelling the Vegan Protein Myths!
John: "Okay, I was going to reinvent the wheel on this one but my good friend Robert Cheeke (a champion Vegan Bodybuilder), rolled the wheel right to me...
And you're right, if there is one question vegans get more than any other question, it is, "How do you get your protein?" I often respond by asking the individual if they know anyone with a protein deficiency. One thing to remember is that protein is found in nearly all foods and is one of the easiest components of nutrition for our bodies to find in food and use for mechanical functions.
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are abundant in fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and other vegan foods. Eating a wide variety of healthy foods supplies all essential amino acids which is necessary for optimum health.
As a vegan, I do not consume meat, and avoid all animal products and abstain from using anything animal derived or tested on animals. This is for a number of reasons, but primarily because I don't want to cause harm to animals and because I want to be healthier and focus on consuming
plant-based foods.

As a vegan bodybuilder, I enjoy typical bodybuilding foods such as oats, rice, broccoli, yams, protein powders and bars, providing energy and strength for exercise and the heavy lifting my sport requires. I take a few supplements to enhance my athletic performance but I don't believe they are necessary to consume and compete as an elite athlete. They can help give you an extra competitive edge and can aid in muscle recovery and energy output. The few supplements I use for performance include: multivitamin, meal replacement powders, L-glutamine for muscle recovery, and hemp-based protein powders. Vitamin B-12 and essential fatty acids are included in a hemp-based meal replacement I take. It is important to remember these are not necessary, but in most cases they will boost performance and recovery from exercise, achieving an overall greater level of fitness and health.
Many people are scared to adopt a vegan diet because they think they will lack protein, but protein is easy to find and little is required for maintaining health. A standard is 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight for athletes and 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight for bodybuilders and other athletes interested in bulking up and adding mass. Eating consistently throughout the day makes it easy to get that amount of protein if a variety of foods are consumed. "How" should not be the issue, but "where," is a valid question. In an animal protein based society, we grow up believing the only sources of protein are from animals. As a vegan athlete I outline meal programs that are protein-rich and plant derived to show exactly "where" and "how" vegans get their protein. I pay special attention to it, and my main protein sources come from hemp, soy, tempeh, nuts, beans, lentils, grains and a variety of powders and bars including complete meal replacements, adding up to 200-300 grams per day. Tofu, a soy product, typically has 10-20 grams of protein per serving. Soy also has a Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) of 1.0, which is the highest protein rating for a food to have, and it scores higher than beef protein.
The bulk of my diet consists of fruits in the morning; protein sources such as nuts, protein drinks and bars for snacks; green vegetables, beans, tofu and other protein and calorie-rich foods for lunch, and a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, and grains for dinner. A typical meal for dinner may include a lentil soup with chopped of veggies, steamed or raw broccoli, tofu, and brown rice. Potatoes, tempeh, beans, and nuts are also staples of my diet and are often consumed around dinnertime. I typically just drink water before and after meals but for dinner I may include soymilk, almond milk, or natural fruit juice.
I focus on eating every 3 hours to stay in an anabolic state with a positive nitrogen balance for maintaining and building muscle. Taking in nutrients every 2-3 hours ensures that your muscles will always be fueled and nourished, providing the best opportunity for growth and achieving desired results. Eating every 3 hours may sound challenging but if you prepare your foods for the day in advance, it is really quite simple. You don't have to eat an entire meal, just take in protein, carbohydrates and fats every 3 hours and it will add up to a sum of calories that will not only maintain muscle but build muscle, combined with a weight-training or exercise program. Drinking water every two to three hours will also keep you well hydrated, assist with processing of protein foods, and will help you accumulate a gallon a day which is a minimum goal for most bodybuilders.
A vegan diet is often a topic of concern when it comes to athletics, but those concerns are unwarranted. A vegan diet is typically healthier and more compassionate than an omnivorous diet, which although popular, can be more detrimental to overall health. Eating fruits and vegetables and other foods provided by plants and trees comes natural to me. These are the healthiest foods for us, yet as a society we are slaves to our taste buds, and consume heavily processed, altered foods with addictive sugars, chemicals and other unnatural additives. That dangerous practice leads to poor health and often leads to increased medical costs for medications and treatments in an attempt to reverse problems created by poor diet.
So focus on plant-based foods and reap the benefits of optimal health through natural sources of protein."
Lyn, James, Erin & Josh: You pretty much rock, John. Thanks for dispelling the Vegan Protein Myths!
Be Completely UNrealistic and Transform Your Life:
Hello my lovelies! I've been thinking all week about something we are trained since birth to believe is normal mode of conduct here on Earth: Being Realistic. What has being realistic ever done for anyone?
What has being realistic ever created? It puts a lid on anything that might happen while thinking outside the perimeters of what already is.
So here is my challenge for you this week (and forever): Be completely UNrealistic and start creating new possibilities for yourself. Free yourself of what people expect, and do what you like!
I hear people (including myself), saying "I can't do this because...", or "I wish I could do such and such, but I just don't have the money" etc. etc. SO I say change it up! Let's say to ourselves "What can I do today to have the feeling of what I want? What will give me the feeling of having what I want in a different way?"
Here is a small example: I really want to be in the woods today, but to be honest it's freezing outside and I don't have a car to get out of the city... So I will go to the botanical gardens which is inside a huge glass dome greenhouse with trees and beautiful flowers!
Be UNrealistic!
Here's another little example: I really want to build my own house and grow a big garden with a pond, making it so beautiful that it will feel like living in a dream, but I don't have any money right now... So I made it absolutely beautiful in the apartment that I rent, with colourful tapestries on the walls, paintings, photographs, a fountain and tons of plants! It looks like a jungle in here and I love it. I get the feeling of a home right now without having the funds to buy property and build. I still have every intention of building it, and I do have some money coming to me from the accident I was in, so I feel good about what I have right now.
If it's love you are looking for, LOVE YOURSELF! Create the feeling of being in love and you will draw it to you. And if there are people in your life that hold you down, let them go.
Have a beautiful day everyone, and don't let anything get in your way :)
So here is my challenge for you this week (and forever): Be completely UNrealistic and start creating new possibilities for yourself. Free yourself of what people expect, and do what you like!
I hear people (including myself), saying "I can't do this because...", or "I wish I could do such and such, but I just don't have the money" etc. etc. SO I say change it up! Let's say to ourselves "What can I do today to have the feeling of what I want? What will give me the feeling of having what I want in a different way?"

Be UNrealistic!

If it's love you are looking for, LOVE YOURSELF! Create the feeling of being in love and you will draw it to you. And if there are people in your life that hold you down, let them go.
Be UNrealistic!
Don't just drop an idea. Make it happen in some way that you might not have thought of, and you will feel great for making it happen! There is always a way!
Have a beautiful day everyone, and don't let anything get in your way :)
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