I was listening to the song above today, and it made me think about a number of things happening in my life right now. I have had a recurring theme in my discussions lately, lectures, and even dreams; letting our light shine-- letting ourselves shine. Marianne Williamson speaks of it in her book A Return to Love, stating; " We are all meant to shine, as children do... It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
And lastly, Alexi's words, "...May you find the strength to know you are part of something beautiful". I am a part of so many incredible projects and communities right now, but the one that has resonated on the highest level for me is Beautiful Vegan, and I haven't even thanked the crew officially yet. So here it is, in time for thanksgiving-- With all my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you to the Beautiful Vegan crew for inviting me to be part of all this, and thank you to all of you out there for welcoming me as well! I truly am part of something beautiful here, and so are all of you, because it takes every one of us to make this conscious evolution a reality. Thank you for shining your light, and allowing me to do the same.
What does it mean? We all have a light inside us, a spark, a piece of whichever higher source you believe in that makes us indivisible. As we treat ourselves well, and honour our gifts, talents and imagination, we nurture this light, so others can be reminded to do the same for themselves. The energy we feel while in the presence of certain people is noticeably different than that of someone who leaches energy from us. All of the sudden we are animated, excited, we come up with creative ideas, and time flies. We want to be around them more often than those who are pessimistic and negative. When we are connected in this way, our true nature is revealed, and there is a higher understanding that generally makes us more calm, less agitated, angry and self-doubting.
I was also thinking about Alexi's words, "May you know the truth inside you from the start". What I have to say to this is simple: We all know the truth. We know when something is cruel or kind. We know when things are right and wrong. We recognize when something is beautiful or otherwise; but only when we are able to listen to ourselves, and when we are truly honest with ourselves. So as simple as it might seem, my challenge today is just this:
*be present *pay attention to intuition *and know the truth.
Lokah Samastha Sukino Bhavantu
I love your blog so much, I've given it an award on mine. :) xx
ReplyDeleteI love your blog so much, I've given it an award on mine. :) xx