The weirdest thing happened on the way home. I got on the streetcar (trolley), and was meditating on how simple and amazing it was that the streetcar just stayed on it's tracks, going along effortlessly, without worrying or stressing about anything. I was actually looking at the tracks, when the streetcar smashed into a tractor and literally went off the tracks with a massive jolt and screech!! It was so shocking that I screamed and snapped right out the meditation, with my whole body shaking. There were only 3 people on the streetcar, including myself and we were all fine, but the whole right side of the vehicle was ripped apart.
Here's what I got from the accident: The driver got out and started blaming the tractor for parking his vehicle so far out, instead of blaming himself for not being present enough to realize that the tractor was much too far out for him to pass by. We always talk about our true selves (the soul) as the driver of the vehicle we call the body. It's so funny that I was focusing so much on the rails and the vehicle, thinking that it just goes along without effort, when the truth is that without a driver who is able to be in the present moment and aware of his/her surroundings, things will go off track (out of control, literally). And then the ego rears his ugly head and blames someone else for the mistake. What a strange day. A clear message, in my eyes.
Struggle. I need to just 'go with the flow' more often, and not get caught up in the drama around me. I have been meditating so much in the past year since I broke my arm, and I can definitely say that it has helped tremendously. I just thought I would relay the lesson.
If you like this video there are a whole lot more on youtube, and here is his website with down-loadable mp3s to listen to. Have a beautiful day!
(This is a frozen waterfall about an hour away from where we live. It's so lovely, both the sound and the sight! Strangely enough bright green moss grows effortlessly under the ice. I have no idea how.)
Thanks for sharing about Adyashanti. I watched the video and then when on to his website and listened to some of his teachings. I really loved the simple way he conveyed his message. I think he is my new favorite spiritual teacher. Thanks again!
Hey!! I'm eating the cashew cream cheese right now. Loving the book