I found this website that has loads of photos and stories of beautiful vegan children, busting the myth that it is unsafe or unhealthy.
Click here to go to the vegan children page.
I would read differing opinions about soy though, before making up your mind on whether it is good for you and the planet or not (my site is dedicated to no-soy, or very little, because I am allergic to it (and so are millions of other people), and massive mono-crops of soy beans have required the clear-cutting forests at an incredible rate to meet the new demand). There are soooo many other proteins out there in nuts, seeds, grains, beans and much more, so experiment a little and have fun doing it!
ooooops, the link for the Vegan children took me to the "Story of Stuff" page. Can you find it again and re-link it. I am very interested because even though I am vegan and love it, I still have doubts when it comes to my toddler. I feed him very little meat as it is (hormone free chicken or turkey on the rare occasion) and limited dairy, usually yogurt and the occasional pizza, because I don't want to rely on a lot of soy for him, either (which I don't for myself). I still worry about going 100% vegan for him right now though :(