Read this article which links to the full report and it's new findings. This is astounding and I'm blown away. Of course it will make all the meat eaters of the world freak out and get angry because they refuse to change. And if we refuse to change something as simple as our own diets, something that is in our hands and that we do three times a day, how can we change anything on this planet?? It's not going to happen.
Of course I'm preaching to the converted, as most of you awesome folks out there are already vegan, but maybe a few of you are considering the lifestyle and to you I say WELCOME! You are the courageous souls that are not blinded by the stereotypes and misconceptions about veganism, and you are not as selfish as the meat eaters who simply will not budge from their rigid pedestals. For them we will ALL pay the price. One person at a time, please go vegan.
*I took the photo above while we were visiting a working farm at Fort Williams in Thunder Bay. It's clearly not from a factory farm, as it would look and smell very different if I was inside of one of those.
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