Who killed the honey bee? Watch the whole movie:

Albert Einstein said that if the "bees disappeared from the surface of the earth, man would have four years of life left." Watch this movie: Find out what effect the honey bee has on our entire food system, and what will happen if their numbers keep declining in droves as they are today around world. The documentary is very well done and I recommend it to everyone. Honey bees don't just make honey- they feed the world by pollenating most crops; in fact one out of every three bites of food we eat is a direct result of work of these creatures.
For Ninjavideo.net you just have to click on the red writing above the videos (once you get to their website), and two small windows will eventually pop up; click on 'allow' when it asks if you trust the source and then you can watch whatever you like without having to download movies from the internet! Awesome. We've had no problems whatsoever with ninjavideo so I hope you enjoy it.
Another good source of movies and documentaries is here:
A big Happy Birthday to my brother today:

Mark is my little brother... who is taller than me, has his Doctorate in Geology and has just bought his dream house in Nova Scotia with his wife Denise. I have recently found out that they are expecting a baby too! I'm gonna be an auntie! Happy Birthday my friend. You're not vegan yet, but nobody's perfect.
Happy Birthday Diana!

This is my sister who is a magnificent soul in this world. She is a vegan, a dancer, clothing designer, videographer, model, club queen (and so much more), who rocks my world! Tonight we went out to celebrate the occasion at a party that was being held for her, and I got a little taste of what it's like to be in her strange little world, with photographers everywhere and people wanting to get their pictures taken with the starlet- it was fun for sure. I love you so much and expect wonderful things for you in the future!
Car-Free Day in Toronto: Still learning the lessons:

I'm sorry for not posting regularly these days. I've been going through a bit of a hard time with my arm broken and I have lessons to learn that have not fully come yet, as it still hurts so much after two months.
I can't sleep at all and I'm allergic to the heavy duty pain killers so I have been taking over the counter kinds and sleeping pills on top of that. I decided a couple of days ago that this is so against what I stand for that I am no longer taking any of the aforementioned. Some people say they don't feel much pain at all when they've broken a bone (after the initial break), and still others say it takes them a really long time to heal even though they eat incredible food and don't smoke etc...
I think it's taking me so long because 1. I can't get the accident out of my head. It just replays over and over and I can't even look at cyclists anymore. I can't walk on the sidewalk without thinking someone will swing open their car door on me. I'm slightly going crazy and it sucks (if I'm being honest); and
2. I haven't been able to wrap my mind around the fact that bones do heal themselves. I've never broken anything before and it just seems impossible to me that it will be perfect again.
This morning I looked outside to see a girl laying in the middle of the streetcar tracks with an ambulance at her side because she was slammed by another car door! It was directly in front of my building and I couldn't even look.
And last night I was on my way home from meditation and 20 yards away I saw someone get hit by a car. Apparently this person laid down on the street for some reason, but the truth is that cars are deadly. They kill and hurt people every day.
I really wish I had the power to make everyone do the right thing- get out of their damned cars and get some exercise by riding bikes everywhere- the cars would be for the outskirts of major city centers and everyone would breathe better (not to mention look and feel better).
Here is a really clear video that show Bryant hitting the cyclist with intention to cause harm (the high profile case here in Toronto involving a former Attorney General guilty of hit and run causing death). The media had this tape and only showed the second before the hit, blaming the cyclist. This is unbelievable! I just found it now:
I know this old photo of Josh has nothing to do with this post except that it makes me happy to look at. We were camping on Lake Eire and had a wonderful time.
Need a pik-me up? This will inspire you:
Jill Bolte Taylor got a research opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: She had a massive stroke, and watched as her brain functions -- motion, speech, self-awareness -- shut down one by one. An astonishing story.
Vegetarian Food Fair:

Today is the last day of the 25th Annual Vegetarian Food Fair in Toronto and if you haven't been you should not miss it! All sorts of raw and cooking demos are going on, talks, sampling, music, new vegan/vegetarian products, and of course a whole lot of awesome vegan/vegetarian food to eat!
See you there!
Where to start if you are thinking of going vegan:

know the real facts about B12
understand why milk is not okay
why should you consider the vegan lifestyle?
vegan myth-busters!
why not try and make some vegan dishes?
why we need to change the way we eat
soy soy soy... good for you?
Becoming Vegan book
To Zoo or not to Zoo:

I don't really know how I feel about the zoo. James and I went to get me out of the house as I have been feeling trapped, but the animals I saw looked more trapped than me. There are conflicting arguments on the subject. In some ways zoos are good because they encourage interest in animals by people who wouldn't normally be able to see or have any real notion of them, like inner city kids or even those who live in the suburbs. We come in contact with wildlife so little now on a day to day basis that it does bring about a sense of awe when we do.
On the other hand these animals should be left in the wild to lead normal lives and not be subjected to freezing cold weather in Canadian winters when they are used to African savannas. These animals pace around in their cages like they have gone mad. Someone pointed out the fact that many of these animals were orphaned and/or are on the endangered list, so it's a positive thing that they have a chance to live, and maybe mate within captivity. But how long can that go on without getting to the real root of the problem- human destruction of their habitat??
As I said I feel torn. From what I could tell, the people who feed and take care of the animals in the zoo seem to really care for them, calling them by name and patting the pat-able ones. James and I did have a nice day in the end. I was sick of reading in the confines of my apartment. James took the photo.
Not for those who are already vegan:
You may have already seen this or know the information if you are vegan, but your friends may not have any idea so I thought I would put it up.
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