I was doored, I got the door prize, however you want to put it- I was riding my bike along Bloor Street and a van swung open its door as I was directly beside it, and I was thrown to the pavement. My arm is now broken completely in half (the thick top half of it), and the medication I was prescribes is making me puke my guts out.
I used to encourage everyone to ride their bikes in the city as much as possible- I used to ride to and from work every day, but to be honest with you I don't think I will get back on. It's much too dangerous, and I'm sorry but a bike lane is NOT a bike lane if there are parked cars on one side (that can swing open their doors at any given moment), and moving cars on the other!
I am now out of work for the next few months and don't really know how I'm going to pay the bills. Guess I've got some research to do on what my options are. Sorry about my foul tone but this sucks royally. Little things that I could do in a few seconds are now impossible for me and the nausea is ruining any peace of mind I might have left. I will have to stop taking the medication as I would rather live with the pain than the nausea.
I know that everything happens for a reason, so I guess I am being told by the universe to take it easy and work on a different plan for my life. I'll do my best. To all of you out there who ride your bikes religiously: Please be careful and take side roads wherever possible. We need to also push the governments to create SAFE bike lanes for people who are actually trying to make a difference in their own health and the health of the planet.
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