We just want to say thank you to everyone who visits our blog. It means so much to us. It's just something that we're passionate about, and we hope to inspire change on this planet in some small way. It is clear to me now that the world is poised for a leap forward in evolution. And it is happening. People have been waking up in massive numbers to realize that what makes us so special, as a species, is that we have choice.
All of you who have sought out a vegan lifestyle, or are on your way to it, are brave warriors in my eyes. It takes courage to go against the grain and do something different. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart and from all of us here at beautiful vegan.
Made my way here via blog upp, neat widget for visiting others blog. I'm afraid I love meat far too much to even think of becoming a non meat eater. I am glad to see people are doing better with other means of going grean. I was around the first time it was cool, only it was really only us hippies that thought it so...thus 35 years later it's finally ok to do things that are better for the environment. Headway at least.
ReplyDeleteWell, I want to return the thanks...every time I find a blog like yours which affirms and strengthens the choices I have made as a vegan, I am just **so** grateful. I agree that there seems to be a turning of the tide and online activism plays an important role in this, so please keep doing what you're doing! We need more people with the courage and passion of their convictions to help those without a voice....
And @ Sandy...I guess seeing the same ideas roll around again must give you an interesting perspective. I wonder whether you have ideas about how we can avoid the pitfalls of last time? Your experience is valuable and I really hope you might find it within you to consider at least cutting down your meat consumption. After all, many folks say that a meat-eating environmentalist is an oxymoron.