My Crystal Amulets :)
Baby Snapping Turtle
This is a little guy we found in the middle of a road, so we picked him up and moved him out of the way.
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Beautiful-Vegan Archive 2007 - 2015
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An incredible and inspiring story of a woman's new...
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A World Without Water: Amazing and Eye-Opening Doc...
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spring simple dressing:
Dr. Neal Barnard- A very good bunch of reasons to ...
Alkaline body vs. Acidic body
1000 Year Old Vegan Poem
small is better :)
the power of raw veganism! I will get there one da...
Our new T-shirt designs!
Why, Hello There!!
a penguin with real individual personality: what h...
I found this blog and thought you all might like i...
Becoming Myth: Sea Turtles & Asia
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free hugs: we love you :)
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A little bit about James:
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Simply Amazing... Forks over Knives movie trailer:...
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say cheese my beautiful vegans!
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Windfall documentary trailer- something to think a...
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Thank you :)
Vegan/Vegetarian Artists, Poets and Writers
Celebration in the Faroe Islands: Food or Cruel Am...
Watch this documentary about building homes and wo...
Our first newsletter! Click here to check it out :...
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How smart are crows? Unbelievably so:
Carl Safina: The oil spill's unseen culprits, vict...
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Graham Hill Ted Talk: Why I'm a weekday vegetarian...
our favourite forest and waterfall:
Vandana Shiva giving a lecture on Soil, Not Oil at...
10 Signs Vegetarianism is Catching On:
Our Book: Conscious Evolution: Vegan Recipes, Life...
Killer at Large- obesity documentary trailer:
what have we done?
Some great events going on in Toronto this month:
No-Impact Man trailer: A funny and compelling docu...
vegan body builder Ryan Marcotte!
TED Talk: starving blood vessels to cancer cells b...
The Take- A documentary for you by Avi Lewis and N...
G20 coming to Toronto and we don't want this to ha...
A documentary that everyone on the planet must wat...
Hi guys!
vegan weigh loss success:
What the massive ol spill means for ecosystems and...
What's really food?
More than 23,000 dolphins a year are slaughtered i...
E.coli contamination of meat- and sometimes veggie...
Becel has a vegan margarine, finally.
Documentaries and Videos:
To bike or not to bike?
The Human Experience trailer... wow
How many animals are slaughtered per second in the...
Is 'not from concentrate juice' really good for yo...
Dirt: The trailer:
Ellen on being vegan- really well done my dear.
Kiwi-Lime Pudding! Wicked.
Raspberry Crepes with French Vanilla Cream!
Raw Vegan Blood Test... Amazing.
Earthship building in Jamaica, and a couple of oth...
Watch The Cove documentary here:
Earth Hour is coming! March 27th so turn off the l...
Famous Vegan and Vegetarian Body Builders and Athl...
Kenneth Williams- good short video on being vegan ...
Philosophy- A Guide to Happiness Documentary
Write us!
Wake-Me-Up Fruit Salad with Walnuts, Almonds and a...
Vanilla French Toast recipe is here!
Throwing away diabetes by changing what you eat:
The Engine Diet author Rip Esselstyn speaking on b...
Schools kill creativity- Why you might consider ho...
We're finishing up the book! So stay tuned...
Want to know who else is vegan and vegetarian? You...
Oprah on factory farming. What are we eating?
Sweet Mysery documentary about artificial sweetene...
Blessings: The Tsoknyi Nangchen Nuns of Tibet:
Living Yoga: The Life and Teachings of Swami Satch...
Reversing diabetes by going going raw vegan- Can Y...
Woody Harrelson on Being Vegan:
A great film about the Jewish take on veganism and...
Ok... I broke my Master Cleanse fast on day 20 :(
The Future of Food Documentary- watch it!
Vegan Makeup and brushes! Afterglow Cosmetics:
Earthship Home designs:
Living off the grid- how and why?
Mind Yoga: Take time out right now. How can we bec...
Erykah Badu and Common on being vegan life:
Hunter/meat eater goes vegan: So can you!
Will you be labled a terrorist for being vegan?
BREAD!!! Having a really hard time today with the ...
Kymatica- really good documentary- watch free:
Three Plants that will change your indoor Air Qual...
Purrfect Pineapples Cruelty-free Under Things!
Slowing Down With a Fast:
Lyn's Spirit Dolls:
Festive Cranberry Custard and Vegan Neg-Nog Recipi...
This is what James and Josh do in their spare time...
Vegan Children:
Watch The Story of Stuff- good documentary.
Alicia Silverstone on what happened to her when sh...
Send a lantern to the Copenhagen Climate Summit to...
The Money Masters Documentary: I know you might no...
A Question: Do you know what a vegan is? Pretty fu...
Joshua Rose as The Bunnyman:
Watch the documentary Patent For a Pig:
Watch Big Sugar documentary:
The Reality We Create:
Vegan Musicians! You Rock (sorry about the pun):
Vegan Endurance Athlete: Inspiration:
Deer in the city of Toronto:
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you lovely people in ...
Mass animal sacrifice begins in Hindu festival in ...
One of my paintings: The Ritual (after)
Creamy Parsnip soup with Pine Nuts and Sun-Dried T...
Kombucha Tea
Off The Grid: Documentary:
The Cost of a Coke: Documentary:
You need to see this: I am blown away.
Food Inc. Documentary:
Vaccines: 2 Documentaries to watch:
It is now believed that 51% of the world's human-c...
Vananda Shiva on Seed Saving- very powerful talk:
Colloidal Silver Generator: Make it yourself!
Creatures of Black Forest:
6 Degrees of Separation Documentary:
Fighting the flu naturally:
Raising kids vegan- Go for it!
350 Day of Action for Climate Change- PLEASE get i...
Joan Jett for Farm Sanctuary:
Raw Vegan Radio!
Natural Building Videos and Books:
Vegan Body Building and Fitness:
Lost 40bls and became healthy going raw vegan!
Vegan Athlete Brendan Brazier makes energy bars!
Happy Thanksgiving Guys! Here are some awesome thi...
Vegan Mineral Makeup and Brushes:
Watch Earthlings Documentary:
A monkey takes care of a human baby- really intere...
This monkey adopted a kitten! Monkey news:
Giggling gorillas and orangoutangs! Studies show t...
Who killed the honey bee? Watch the whole movie:
A big Happy Birthday to my brother today:
Happy Birthday Diana!
Poverty is not an accident: The End of Poverty mov...
Car-Free Day in Toronto: Still learning the lesson...
This is something very surprising- a brilliant ide...
Water Filters That Really Work:
Need a pik-me up? This will inspire you:
Vegetarian Food Fair:
Living Off the Grid in an Earth-Ship House here in...
Where to start if you are thinking of going vegan:...
growing your own sprouts!
Autism and Animals
To Zoo or not to Zoo:
Weird hippo pet:
Not for those who are already vegan:
Disinfecting Drinking Water with Sunlight
I had to put this up.
Fluoride Fluoride Fluoride- Holy Crap.
Food Inc. Movie:
John Robins on fear and how it influences us:
The Business of Cancer:
Why Vegan?
Lyn at the BFF (Bicycle Film Festival in Toronto)
40 Day Cleanse Fast Results:
Vegan Myth-Busters!
Raw Cauliflower Curry with Pine Nuts!
Come and join us!
Artificial Sweeteners Cause Weight Gain:
healing from quadruple bypass operation with a hig...
For those of you who aren't familiar with this inc...
I found this raw food speaker and fell in love- sh...
5 reasons to go vegan:
My bike meant freedom to me...
why vegan? I found this great video you may like:
healing thyroids naturally with a raw vegan diet- ...
another raw vegan body builder- very interesting
Square Foot Show coming up!
The Lovers
doll making to occupy my time
earth days movie trailer
Crude: movie trailer
Oh the fun of today... broken arm workshop
This guy tells us his story of the journey to the ...
Awesome! 2 First year pre-med students go raw for ...
How to gain muscle mass on a Raw Vegan diet: Raw V...
This guy explains very well why raw vegan food is ...
Claire is our reporter abroad!
This is how I Feel Today
Cindy Didn't Really Trust James...
Free Vegan Recipes That Rock:
Our Secret Forest
Vegan in New York
Water Life movie trailer: Hot Docs Film Festival 2...
It is estimated that there are more tigers in capt...
Reporter: A new Hot Docs movie trailer
Black Wave: A documentary about the greatest envir...
Take care of yourself and you won't get sick... si...
A couple of places we've been to in the last few d...
very quick and to the point meat message:
why no one but calves should drink cow's milk:
a cat adopts baby squirrels??
For those who haven't seen this reunion between a ...
2 Week Master Cleanse Detox Talk:
Squeaks Rose Toth and Josh
Josh in a battle of the bands!
'Home' Movie Trailer- really beautiful and though...
A word from the late Carl Sagan about our planet:
Happy Father's Day Cupcakes!! (Vanilla Cranberry, ...
The End of the Line: movie trailer about the end o...
The Cove Movie Trailer- You need to see this:
I'm doing the Master Cleanse right now- Here's a v...
Farewell my friend
Blue Gold: World Water Wars- I've never seen anyth...
Time to let go
Food Security for Everyone: Real Community
Guerrilla Vegetable Gardening in the City
This one will cause some uproar...
Taking Root: The Vision of Wangari Maathai (traile...
Happy Birthday James!! Decadent, Triple-Decker, Va...
I have to show you this! It's one of the most beau...
A VERY GOOD program I had never seen before:
Message from the director of The Future Of Food:
Skip the Meat Commercial
Joshua Rose, champion of the world.
Not Milk
Soy Soy Soy
Vegetarian or Vegan?... VEGAN!
Raw Vegan Athlete Video Blogger
Vegan Body Builder- Kenneth G. Williams
Basil-Avocado Dip: Awesome.
This is very well done. Watch it.
Edward Norton on Plastic Bags Bags Bags
Time to explore! Let's go!
Interview from Art Bell with Dr. Neal Barnard, pre...
Processed People trailer
Fast Food Nation
Diet for a New America : Documentary
Thank You Everyone! You are all making a huge diff...
Go Raw Now movie trailer:
Raw Vegetable Soup With Almonds and Sun-dried Toma...
Squeakers Toth and his brother James
raw mushroom soup coming up!
Mad Cowboy Documentary! Very Good.
Coconut Cornbread in a skillet! So easy!
Make your own mesh bags! Easy!
Cancer Inc.
Mad Cowboy Author (he used to be a cattle rancher ...
Need to get away from my computer.
Diet For a Small Planet
Interesting contest for vegans: win an electric ca...
Go Green, Eat Less Meat.
How much plastic is in the ocean you ask?...
how to make creamy caesar dressing!
A great book for teaching kids why veganism is imp...
An Amazing Talk Given by a Medical Doctor about th...
T. Colin Campbell, PhD, on cancer and animal based...
The link between dairy consumption and prostate ca...
Learning to Relax
Peaceable Kingdom Movie Trailer
Garbage Island Documentary
Sprouting Seeds!
Becoming Vegan, The Complete Guide to Adopting a H...
beautiful vegan Tv..episode 2, How to Open a Cocon...
Animal Rights Eco Fair
RAWvolution book
beautiful vegan tv...episode 1, raw spinach soup!
Vegan Chocolate Pudding!!!
Raw Stuffed Red Peppers!
Raw Vegan Spinach-Avocado Soup with Thyme and Fres...
Yesterday was good.
Dominical, Costa Rica
beautiful-vegan tv!
Banning organic farming?? Are you kidding?
Almost Raw Stir-Fry!
Movie Trailer: The End Of America... An Alarming D...
Spicy Raw Vegan Carrot Soup!
Frozen CreamBerry Heaven!
A creamy (and way better!) alternative to yougurt
Sweet Cashew Coconut Balls on a Fruit Plate with C...
Some events that might be of interest if you're in...
Three things You Can Do Right NOW to Find Love
Earth: movie trailer
How to make a vegan breakfast that rocks!
Hello to Everyone!
Canada Goose on a Very Small Island
How to find Jewels
Here's why worm composting is good for the environ...
I'm Worm Composting... Finally!
Earthbag Dome Houses for the World- a movie traile...
Earthbag Building Book that I love!
Vandana Shiva, on water security
Summer in Toronto
oh, those vegans...
Mocha Latte Cake!
Inspiration for the masses: Man On Wire movie trai...
Matthew Stein, author of When Technology Fails
the Future of Food Movie Trailer (a must see movie...
This is josh (obviously before he cut off his drea...
A vegan who's allergic to soy??
Huge chocolate corporations like Nestle use slave ...
Really important water movie trailer:
How to find love
Vegan Cranberry Pancakes with Cinnamon
famous vegans and vegetarians
Josh growing up vegetarian and then vegan.
Black Rice & Walnut-Stuffed Squash!
Putting your money where your mouth is.
Just putting up a paintings of mine that I did a ...
How to photograph deer...
Change is in the Air (wow, I'm full of cliches lat...
There is snow outside, but not in this photo!
Trailer for Garbage Warrior
Building Earthbag Dome Houses is What We All Have ...
Josh on Lake Superior
Baby Snapping Turtle
Funny Little Piglets Playing
The Shift Movie Trailer- Watch It and Be Inspired!...
Summer images to make me feel better.
Vegan Creme Brule! Finally.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this Vegan Creme Brule!
Somewhere Just off of Lake Superior, Ontario
Pesto Pasta With Leeks and Sun-Dried Tomatoes!
hiking behind the zoo
sage of the forest
Joshua and the tarantula
my birthday
Omatepe Island, Nicaragua
chocolate chili mole!!
Me at city hall on the night of Nuit Blanche
Indian Carrot Curry Soup!
dolled-up sunday morning french toast!
Voted BEST MAC & CHEESE by Vegan Cheese Review Web...
Possibly the best double chocolate cupcakes in the...
This is my Mom-Approved Luxurious and Rich Pumpkin...
Our marinated shishkebobs on the fire!
James working his way accross a lake
James in a sunset at Old Woman Bay
who was the first person to look at this and think...
aboard the MS Chi-Cheemaun
This is my raw vegan curry!!
James' team on Center Island
Sitting in the sky
My Lady
We borrowed Meg's car for a road trip!
We've started growing our own food!
Me on a beach in Ontario
James loving his life in Canada
This belongs to everyone.
Cutting off Joshua's Dreads!
Joshua cutting off his dreads part 2!
So we cut his dreads off before he went to school!...
My feet have escaped the confines of socks and boo...
Me on a snow top cliff
Lemon Poppy Seed Love Cake!
Photographer James Toth
Passed out after a long day
Rope walking with a friend in Kensington Market
roast pear with maple creme brule
coconut porridge with fresh blueberries!
Our Spicy Raw Zucchini Soup!
Lyn and the Frog
Coconut is an excellent protein!
To open a coconut
James on a winter hike
Vegan / Vegetarian Restaurants and Cafes in Toront...
February Blaws: Cure
Vegan Blog Tracker!
one of my older paintings
Environmental, Healthe and Karmic reasons to go Ve...
sweet potato plantain roast
vegan quotes#6-10
our coconut fruit salad!
josh and his skateboard
Me in Algonquin Park!
my awesome vegan paté!
New Year, New Beginning.
Josh shooting the deadly eggplant weapon
Lime Garlic Tofu with Mushrooms on Rice
James by the water
Self transformation is world transformation
Our Pesto Pizza!
David Suzuki's Nature Challenge
cucumber asparagus salad
taking a break
Environmental, Health and Karmic Reasons to go Veg...
Josh playing music by the fire
James and Josh playing
Josh and Lyn in a barrel
rice paper delicacies (glass pillows)
vegan on the road
Josh laughing hysterically before I go under a wat...
This is raw agave nectar
James and Lyn in the sun
our RAW nori rolls
Josh and the goat
little tiny toads are people too
Me on my favorite cliff in the world
James on a beach in Australia
this bird was watching me and then landed right on...
Josh got the whole coconut out of the shell in one...
me posing while eating my banana-coconut breakfast...
my lovely James
our vegan lemon-cranberry scones!
Vegan Myth-Buster #2
This is our house
Albert Einstein
make your own almond or cashew milk!
sweet raisin veggie curry that I made!
Small changes make a huge difference!
Shop at used clothing stores to support the commun...
James and Lyn at the fireworks
Josh in a tree.
My First Post :)
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